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Mapping#1 Dèrive


You will deliver a 'Dèrive' in a selected area of interest. You will work in small groups of 2 or 3 people. Having read the seminal paper by Guy Debord, you will make a plan of how you are going to explore the site. There are many different alternatives, the below video and attached paper show you only one of the possible options. You will have a block notes/sketch book, maybe some of you will also have cameras or video cameras, or you will record sounds.

We expect your drift will last at least some hours. Most of you have a departure point, for example given by a bus or train station. Some of you also have identified an arrival point, but some don't. 

This assignment does not focus on a dense urban area, but rather around small villages and the interface between urban and rural. Unexpected objects, places and circumstances will likely arise from your explorations, and this is something we would like you to reflect on and report back to the class. It will be more about the unexpected, and the unconscious, than the ordinary.

A critical analysis will follow the data collection exercise.  We expect you to organise and present your findings into a multimedia presentation. This will likely include sketches, cognitive mapping, photos and short videos from which you will present to the class your findings.

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