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Mapping#2 Visual and perceptual analysis - K. Lynch based methods


You will deliver a survey of the assigned areas following two complementary methods (visual-perceptual, based on readings provided):

Part one

On the urban areas, you will look for the five key elements recognised by K. Lynch in his The image of the City. 

We expect you to produce a visual map, with major/minor elements and their relationship, strengths and weaknesses. But we also ask you to 

reach a critical understanding of the proposed method, also through further readings if necessary.

Part two

You will look at the lecture and readings based on The view from the Road by K. Kynch. You will deliver some field work looking at:

1.Apparent self motion (speed, direction and changes)

2.Apparent motion of the visual field (passing alongside, overhead or underneath, rotation, translation, etc)

3.Spatial characteristics:

–Presence and position of enclosing objects

–General proportions of the space enclosed

–Relationship of spaces in sequence

You will both approach your site and explore within its boundaries. You will consider the Naviglio as your arrival point, but also explore alongside it.

You will explore the place at two different speeds (car-bus-train), walking/cycling. You will draw a composite sketch of visuals, plus a composition of photographs.

Expected outcomes

A critical analysis will follow the data collection exercise.  We expect you to organise and present your findings into a multimedia presentation. This will likely include sketches, cognitive mapping, photos and short videos from which you will present to the class your findings.

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